Dato' Sri Dr.S.Sharavanan, Pro Chancellor
Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation (Deemed to be University)

It indeed is a unique opportunity for me to communicate to you and I extend a very warm welcome to those of you who are eager to come into our fold. Every creation is a self-portrait of the person who created it. There need be no mention that Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) is a class of its own and a 'self-portrait of Excellence in Education'.

Vinayaka Missions is in the field of education since 1981 and our insatiable thirst for achieving excellence in education has taken us to greater heights of glory. Technology is redefining the learning. Globalization and increasing diversity in man's needs generate enhanced demands for competitive professional skills.

The prime objective of Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) is to meet the intellectual, social and academic needs of every student through appropriate and relevant quality inputs.

Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) steers the ship of knowledge and guides the students in the right direction to provide them the acumen that is needed for the ever changing world. We understand the significance of learning and are committed to develop knowledge, leadership and other professional skills, which are vital for the transformation of the students into worthy citizens. Our focused attention, career oriented courses and excellent teaching will provide the students with required knowledge and skills and make them true professionals.